Ægteskab Uden Grænsers egne rapporter og undersøgelser.


Juni 2021

Residence permit through relationships or family in Denmark, The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany and France

Over the past decades Family reunification has become increasingly politized, the rules have changed and been tighten numerous times in many European countries. Still, the extend and severity of requirements remain divided across nation-states.

This document showcases and compares the rules for national citizens-non-EU couples and families, in Denmark the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany and France. We hope that it may provide researchers an overview of the vast difference in the requirements when bringing your loved one to the country of one’s birth and settling down with a European spouse/ partner/ parent in EU.

We also hope that it might motivate particularly Danish and Dutch lawmakers to loosen up on some of the unreasonably tough requirements.

Read the complete report here


April 2021

Comparing Nordic countries family residence permit laws

Over the past decades Family reunification has become increasingly politized and the rules has changed and been tighten numerous times in many European countries.

Scandinavia is no exception. However, the Scandinavian Citizen Law does grant some the opportunity to reunify in another Scandinavian country.

This document showcases and compares the rules for family reunification in the Scandinavian countries to better give Nordic-non-EU couples and families an overview of their options to relocate in another Scandinavian country than Nordic part’s native one.

We also hope that it might motivate Scandinavian lawmakers to loosen up on some of the unreasonably tough requirements.

Read the complete report here.

 Marts 2018

Undersøgelse om kommuners træk på bankgarantien

Ægteskab Uden Grænser har undersøgt, hvor ofte kommunerne trækker på den bankgaranti, der stilles i forbindelse med ægtefællesammenføring. Samt hvilke omkosninger det har for kommunerne at administrere ordningen.

Resultatet af undersøgelsen er, at kommunerne i gennemsnit trak 126 kroner om året fra hver aktiv garanti i årene 2015-2017 men brugte 470 kroner på administration.

På baggrund af resultaterne er det Ægteskab Uden Grænsers vurdering, at ordningen medfører krænkelse af Den Europæiske Menneskerettighedskonventions artikel 14 (diskriminationsforbud) i forening med artikel 8 (ret til respekt for familieliv). Vi anbefaler derfor, at ordningen afskaffes.  

Læs hele undersøgelsen her.

Juni 2013

Whats love got to do with it?

Speciale om familiesammenføring fra kandidatuddannelsen i pædagogisk antropologi ved Århus Universitet. Sommer 2013.

Forfatter: Heidi Joensen

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Sept. 2016

Spørgeskemaundersøgelse om familiesammenførtes trivsel

Besvarelser fra den danske ægtefælle i ægtepar, der har brugt eu-reglerne for fri bevægelighed til at opnå familiesammenføring.

Forfatter: Signe Hermann

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